Sunday, December 29, 2013

A Joyous Walk

After being under the weather for almost three weeks, there was a break in the weather and a break in my feeling crappy.  The temperature soared to a sunny, balmy 50 degrees with no breeze.  Nature called - in the best possible way!

Kris and I grabbed the opportunity to walk at Emmeneggar Park.  It was just perfect!  The day before, Kris had joined me for a few rounds on the track at the park nearest my house.  I could barely drag myself around the 1/3 mile track despite the reasonable temperature and the spot of sun we got.  I was struggling.

What a difference a day made!  The walk through the woods was revitalizing, invigorating, perfect in every way!  It was the first time in almost three weeks that I had NOT struggled to walk a half hour!  My four-legged buddy enjoyed it too.  We chose a trail without hills, making it easier on my bronchus.  I've pretty much quite coughing - which is an excellent thing.  Still, I'm not 'out of the woods' with the bronchitis - but I'm totally willing to be in those woods at the park.

Even with all the leaves gone - layered on the forest floor beneath our feet - the woods are still lovely.  There are a few paved trails at this park, but most are not.  I like the crunch of the dried leaves under my feet.  The trails are mulch, rock, and often mud - covered with leaves this time of year.  I'll deal with the mud, clamber over the stones, and pick the mulch out of my shoe laces any day that the sun is shining and I can walk those trails.

I hope you'll find a place of similar inspiration for your own walks.  It definitely helps to have a great walking buddy - of the two-legged or four-legged variety - or both as I am lucky to have!

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Walking Through The Holidays

December is a holiday time for many of us.  I'm a Grinch who would gladly have all holidays from Thanksgiving to Mother's Day removed from the calendar.  But, I'm still not in charge.  Darnnit.

So, like everyone else, I have too much to do this month.  And, if you read my last post, you know I've been suffering from the adverse effects of housework - er, asthma induced by housework (dust) or something else.

There is too much to do.  Too much cleaning and preparation.  Too much shopping.  Too much spending.  Too many people.  Too much extended family (yes, I swear I love them but...).  Too many parties.  There are definitely too many cars and people at the mall.  Too many places to go.  Too many places too be.  Too many enticing foods.  Too many seasonal TV specials. Too many expectations.

That last one pretty much sums it all up.  Too many Expectations.  The house and food won't be perfect.  The decorations may fall askew.  The cards might not get sent.  But, I'm still me and I need to take care of me first - before any of those other 'must do's'.  I'm still the most important person on my list because I can't take care of others if I don't take care of myself.

For me, taking care of myself includes walking, eating sensibly, not overspending, not overcommitting.  So, each day, I try to make my walking plan for the day while I'm having my cup of coffee first thing in the morning.  The other stuff can wait!

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Gym Calls

I finally broke down and joined a gym!  I hate the gym.  What caused me to pay money to join a place I don't like and don't want to be?  Two things.  First, it's been dreadfully cold around here and with the Christmas rush at the malls, there's really no sensible place to walk.  Second, a friend joined with me and we walk together and work on a few other pieces of equipment too.

That said, I've been dragging in a way that is unusual for me.  The gym has almost become a refuge.  My asthma has been giving me mucho problems the past couple weeks, causing me to not be able to walk outside in the cold wind.  That's an asthma trigger for me and I am pretty conscientious about avoiding wet, cold wind.  But, it or house dust (yes, I have a legitimate excuse to not dust or vacuum!) got me and I've been suffering.

Too bad that my legs don't know the rest of me is sick!  If I don't walk at least 20 minutes each day, I cannot sleep at night because I get terrible leg cramps.  But, that 20 minute walk seems to be the cure for my version of restless leg.  So, even with no voice and crummy breathing, I've been able to get my 20 to 30 minutes in on a treadmill at the gym.  Kris joins me and we chat.  I croak and she tries to hear me from her treadmill 12 inches away.  Good thing she's patient and tolerates my croaking and complaining.

I've always heard that if you're sick from the neck up you can continue your regular workout regimen and if you're sick from the neck down, you should not.  Well, my chest is definitely lower than my neck and my neck and chest have been sick.  But, walking has made me feel better.  Every. Time.

So, my advice for you is to WALK.  No matter what.....well, quietly, I'll whisper that part.  Shhh.  No matter what.  Not, no matter what - but if you can stand and put one foot in front of another - get a friend to poke at you til you get off your derriere and walk some.  Whatever amount works for you.  But, some is better than none.  At least for me - and I'm the writer around her, right?

BTW, that picture above is NOT me!  She's way cuter - and younger - and leaner - and....

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Another New Year's Resolution - or What Would Aristotle Say?

This time of year, our thoughts often turn to bettering ourselves, to making resolutions of plans for the New Year as a way to start off a new behavior or give up an old one.  What does Aristotle have to do with that?  Bear with me.

I'm not philosopher, but I did take a couple philosophy courses in college and what I recall the most is what I understood Aristotle to say on the nature of goodness.  All human actions must be perceived as 'good' or no one would do them.  Really.  So, a bank robber sees something good is what he does or he wouldn't rob banks.  Society sees bank robbing as a bad thing - but not the bank robber even if he is not deranged.  He understands that what he is doing is 'wrong' but he does it because he sees something good in it for him.

Same with much worse crimes, arson, murder, child molestation.  Not that the people who commit these heinous crimes puts a lot of thought into the reasoning for doing such a thing..  Some are compulsions, some are spur of the moment crimes, some may be obsessions which the perpetrator is unable to overcome.  Whatever.  No matter how bad society (you and I) think about the crime, it wouldn't happen if someone didn't see some good in doing it.

So, which part of Aristotle's philosophy are you going to implement?  The part that sees a lot of good in watching TV and living in couch potato mode?  Or, the person who will get up and move, walk, dance, work out?  Which one of these paths is 'good-er'?

I am all about the Aristotelian principles of goodness as they apply to my health and wellbeing.  I can think of hundreds of reasons NOT to go for a walk - housework, bad weather, laziness, demands of job and family, aches and pains.  But, I only need ONE reason to get me on Aristotle's side here.  Walking will make me feel better, no matter how many of those inertial weights are at play in my life.  I will think of Aristotle as I walk in less than favorable conditions and know that a guy who lived hundreds of years ago is having a very positive influence on me.  Wonder what the Greek is for 'just do it'?

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

An Ode To Emmenegger Park

Here are a few scenes from where I've been walking lately.  Jealous?  Get out and find a great place like this for yourself.  Kris and I walk here at least once a week.  There are numerous trails tucked in this suburban park.  There are hills and rocky trails, bridges and walkways, a river, and no bikes or strollers and not very many other walkers.  Just right for us!  

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.