Friday, June 28, 2013

Outer Limits Or I Don't Believe In Coincidences

Earlier today, while walking at the mall with my friend Kris, we discussed (once again) the necessity for us to join a gym and do some upper body work and strength training.  My back has been giving me fits lately and I know that ab work will help fix that (as will the loss of some weight).  It's also been too hot for us to walk outside with our favorite walking buddy, the 4-legged LizMeister, so we are opting more often for the relative comfort of the mall.  Not nearly as much fun or as inviting, but the best alternative to get in our walks.

So, Kris and I agreed that we'd go to the gym tomorrow or the next day and sign up.  After I got home, showered and ate dinner, I checked my email and found a message that was revelatory!  Someone had been reading my mind, checking in on my doubts and insecurities, and offering me a reasoned path toward success.  Gotcha!

I'm now hooked on this and will be using the tools in this article.  Tomorrow, I will print off the entire article and put a copy by my TV chair, one in my car, one in my briefcase, and one in my office.  I'll highlight it, make notes, etc.  I will digest and memorize.  This is a tool of which I will make good use.

I have a problem remaining on my path to positive change.  Don't you?  Replacing bad habits with good ones sounds so simple.  Well, it is simple.  It's just not EASY.  But, the steps in this article make such good sense to me.  I think I can use them daily - perhaps hourly - to assist me on my way to a better, healthier way of living. 

What do you think?

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

On Focus

I love this article.  It's about changing bad habits, creating new habits, and retaining focus.  Most people who read this article will do so because they want to gain focus on work issues or some other really important things in their lives.  What's more important than you?  What's more important than improving your quality of life?

This article speaks to some things I've written about before:
Start small
Take baby steps
Set goals
Create change
Take care of yourself before trying to care for others.

I'm going to sign up to continue to receive copies of this writer's emails.  I think there's lots of encouragement and inspiration there.  What do you think?

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Father Has His Day

What are you getting Dad for his Special Day?  How about some walking shoes?  Buy him a nice, sturdy pair of shoes and a good pair of socks.  Maybe a gym membership.  Maybe a treadmill.  Maybe just take him for a walk after dinner.  Today and tomorrow and often after that.

We want to keep Dad around a long time don't we?  If Dad walks, he'll remain healthier, live longer in good health, set a great example for kids and grandkids (and even the kids on the block), and get a smile on his face.

If all else fails, get him the shoes and a dog.  He'll be forced to walk or clean up a lot of messes.  Yes, I'm evil.  But, my intentions are good.

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Monday, June 10, 2013

An Evolutionary Advantage

Whether or not you believe in the evolution of the human body, it appears that some of our earlier pre-human relatives (now, I didn't say our ancestors) had skeletons perfectly designed for walking and running.

I got into a program on NPR, of course not at the beginning so I could recount for you all the names and titles, about the evolutionary advantage of our species' ability to walk and run.  From the standpoint of our skeletons AND certain parts of our brains, we are better designed than many other creatures for long distance walking and running, as well as sprinting when necessary.  You know, the fight or flight response.

Some of the testing discussed had to do with the release of  adrenaline in response to some environmental trigger - say a coiled snake or a growling panther.  The adrenaline response coupled with the skeletal design clearly indicate (to the speakers) that the human body is meant to walk or run away from trouble or toward someone in need of help.  Both of those events - needing to flee or needing to offer help - produce the same adrenaline rush and require the same skeletal response.  You know - your house is on fire.  You run away from it if you're alone, but if you're down the street and your kid is in the house, you run toward it.  We've all done something similar.

I was particularly interested in the part about the research into endurance walking and running.  There are few species with feet who are as uniquely equipped as are humans to explore on foot.  Many animals migrate on a regular basis.  A few animals will explore their immediate neighborhood for a home or food.  But, humans will walk a long way - like from Asia across a land bridge to the North American continent in search of food, shelter, AND, well, adventure.

Adventure is a uniquely human trait.  Curiosity is not limited to humans - just watch a dog or cat with a new box.  But continuing to walk up the mountain JUST to see what's on the other side of the hill IS a human thing.  And, for the vast majority of our time on this planet (however we got here), we've done that exploration, that seeking, that curiosity on foot.  Later, in boats and on the backs of horses, camels, or elephants, we continued the pursuit of curiosity.  But, walking continues to be one of our favorite ways to discover things.  You can't ride a car up Mount Everest.  People still trek down into the Grand Canyon on foot.  The Appalachian Trail remains a great draw for hikers.  New Zealand has walking paths over its entire topography (I'm told).  Getting there by foot continues to be a favored means of human exploration.  Not only is it free (well, except for the cost of shoes) and convenient (we have the means of conveyance at the bottom of our legs), it's great fun to see things (nature, art exhibits, parades) up close - a closeness we can attain only on foot.  Go there!

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Is It Work?

 Is it work for you to get yourself walking?  Sometimes, it is for me - and I'm a dedicated, daily walker!  There are just days when getting moving is more difficult than others.

One variable I have discovered is the weather.  If it's a beautiful, sunny, low humidity day, I am encouraged to get outside.  I want to get moving, to enjoy the perfection of nature - especially in the Spring when everything is green and budding out.  Rain, grayness, and ice are downers. Having to drive to the mall is not my favorite thing to do, but it keeps me moving, so I go.  Having to ride the stationary bike or walk in place are have-tos rather than want-tos.  But, they keep me moving.

This week, the weather has been so inviting that I've walked twice some days!  Today, I waked a total of more than 5 miles.  I walked 3 at the mall with a friend this morning (her preference is the mall) then this evening, since my dance class was cancelled, I walked outside with another friend for more than 2 more miles.  The park was beautiful, the weather was wonderful with a light breeze and low humidity, and the timing was good - after dinner. 

I know this weather can't last  - more rain is predicted.  But, if I could freeze a 'perfect walking day' in time, this would be the one!

*************************** Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.