I feel like an invalid today. This morning, I wore a new pair of shoes to walk at the mall with a friend. We did our usual 55 minute walk and my feet didn't bother me much. But, when I returned home and removed the shoes, I had a huge blister on the bunion on my left foot and two red marks on the knuckles of my right foot. Are those knuckles if they're on your feet?
Those shoes are going back to the store! I do not 'break in' shoes. I've learned the hard way that breaking in shoes is double talk for a poor fit. I now know the difference. Over the past year, I have worked hard, visited two doctors, and purchased five different pairs of shoes and have succeeded in clearing up the corns, calluses, and sores on my feet. I'll not willingly go back to those painful feet with open wounds on them. No way!
On top - almost literally - of that, last Monday I had carpal tunnel surgery on my right wrist. This procedure used to be one where you wore a cast for 4-6 weeks after the surgery. That has changed dramatically. Now, you have a bandage on the day of surgery and the next day, you remove the bandage, clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide, slap on a bandaid and go about the business of 'your routine activities'. Now, I like my hand surgeon and I'm sure he means well. But, no way can I resume my normal activities. Lifting things. Writing things. Typing things. Crocheting things. Tying my shoe laces. Really? Well,. no, not quite. I had trouble single-handedly pulling up my elastic waist shorts. Can you fold laundry with one hand? Inquiring minds want to know.
Things have actually gone really well until today. My husband (the doctor) insists I've just 'over done'. Well, what does resume your normal activities mean then? It means that my wrist and the incision now hurt like the dickens and I should probably not be typing.
But, I did walk. I walked this morning and again this evening. I wore a pair of shoes that normally is quite comfortable this evening and put a bandaid on that darn quarter-sized blister. The walk helps with the pain in general. Walking and talking, rather than dwelling on my misery, is much better. I highly recommend it. No, the wrist and the blister - and even the thunder - would not deter me today. I know what works for pain management and exercise is a big part of that 'cure'. Try it.
Remember my 100% GUARANTEE. Should you decide to stop walking and resume your old habits, I personally guarantee that you'll get back 100% of your former life - your pain, your lifestyle, your attitude. You can trust the information you find here. It's from a dedicated walker. Trust me and your life will get better! I promise.
Ripped Hooded Cowl Crochet Pattern
2 hours ago
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